FUNIMAG, the magazine of the funiculars

Zagreb Funicular


Text and photos by Toma Bacic
Traduction française Michel Azéma

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photo Toma Bacic

  1974. there was general rebuilding. At the time Yugoslavia was in the process of abolishing all non-standard means of railway transport (such as narrow gauge railways, rack railways and branch lines) and there was also an initiative to abolish Zagreb funicular. One of the most obvious results of general rebuilding was the buying of new cabins and the demolition of the middle column (between the tracks) on the upper station. Another, great rebuilding was planed for the following year.
Le funiculaire fut entièrement reconstruit en 1974. A cette époque là la Yougoslavie avait une politique de suppression de tous les transports ferroviaires non-standards (comme les voies étroites, les trains à crémaillère et les lignes secondaires) et il était même question de supprimer le funiculaire de Zagreb. Les conséquences les plus visibles de la reconstruction fut l'achat de nouvelles cabines et la suppression de la colonne séparant les deux voies à la station supérieure. Il est également prévu de grands travaus pour l'année prochaine.

Upper statio with cabin 1, Lotrscak fortification tower is on the right
(photo Toma Bacic)


Upper station, the same view like on page Yesterday
(photo Toma Bacic)

The whole track
(photo Toma Bacic)

Upper station with cabin 1 (photo Toma Bacic)

The whole track from the bottom station
(photo Toma Bacic)

Two cabins passing by each other
(photo Toma Bacic)


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Copyright © 1996-2000 Funimag
Michel Azéma
, Paris (France) contact