The funiculars of Genova

Liguria, Italy

Text and photos by Michel AZEMA ... September 1996
Genova/Presentation | Genova/Righi | Genova/Sant'Anna | Granarolo 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Menu


Last September I spent some days in Italy in Emilia-Romagna, Toscana and Umbria.
On the way back to France I decided to stay some days in Genova (Liguria), the biggest harbor of Italy. Genova is a wonderful city build as a roman amphitheater. The stage is the sea and the harbor, the buildings of the city are the steps of the theater, the city is surrounded by hills and at the top of the hills there are many castles.
This kind of disposal is the natural territory for funiculars. They prosper where there are great declivity and many people.
There is a great analogy between Genova and Valparaiso (Chile). In Valparaiso there was quite 16 funiculars (ascensor) to link the harbor to the different parts of the city. In Genova there are 3 funiculars and 10 vertical lifts (ascensore):

They are all managed by AMT, Azienda Mobilità e Trasporti Genova

Funicolare Zecca - Righi

Funicolare Sant’Anna

Funicolare Principe - Granarolo

The combined ticket AMT / FS for all transportations in Genova.
Official AMT timetable

Genova/Presentation | Genova/Righi | Genova/Sant'Anna | Granarolo 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Menu


Copyright © 1996 by Michel Azéma, Paris (France)
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